Company profile for ADA Invest ApS

Since 2000 ADA A/S has delivered milk cooling tanks for agriculture, and both Danish and foreign farmers have been convinced by the advantages of using ADA tanks, which today has become a known concept in our line of business.

In the beginning, the tanks were primarily installed at Danish farmers, but over the last years the export to farmers in many countries such as Sweden, Germany, England, Holland, Belgium and Poland has played a major part in our sales, and today ADA is market leading in the line of milk cooling tanks.

The customer is the centre of attention

At ADA the customer is the centre of attention and for us it is therefore important that we follow the project all the way. Right from the very first questions to the agreement concerning the order and right until the tank has been set up, installed and is ready for use.​

The history behind

ADA was founded in 1990 by Allan Damgaard Andersen, and today the tanks are ADA’s main product line.

In the beginning of the company’s history, the firm produced various products in stainless steel, including tanks, milk tanks/ cooling towers, containers, vessels, cyclones, holding cells, lifting tables and many other products adapted to the customers’ wishes and needs.

Hos os er kunden i centrum

Hos ADA er kunden i centrum, og for os er det derfor vigtigt, at vi er med i projektet hele vejen.

Vi er med fra første spørgsmål

Uanset hvor langt du er i processen så kan vi hjælpe dig videre.

Aftalen accepteres

Når aftalen er på plads, starter vi processen omkring monteringen. 

Klar til brug

Når siloen er monteret, kan du trygt gå i gang med at anvende den.

Kontakt os i dag

Udfyld vores formular med så mange detaljer om dit projekt som muligt og vi vil efterfølgende svare dig hurtigst muligt.

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Industriparken Nord 5

6630 Rødding

CVR: 40590137 

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